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- An exploration of the Sine Mandelbrot Set and Sine Julia Set.
- All originals rendered as 768x480 24-bit with count 16384. Colors reduced
- to 64 or 128 after rendering to show some contrast and saturation.
- P00 - P03 zooming in on the Sine Mandelbrot Set
- P04 - P15 zooming in on a Sine Julia Set
- P00 starts at a demagnification of 4 to show the repeating sinusoidal nature
- of this Sine(Z) + Z Mandelbrot Set. Rendering times are quite long due to the
- transcendental function. The final magnification from P00 to P03 is only 16.
- The Sine Mandelbrot Set reveals in these few images a stunningly beautiful
- form of shield-like shape near its center with a super-sharp spike prominent
- in the middle.
- P04 also starts from a demagnification of 4 to show the repeating sinusoidal
- shape of the Sine Julia Set. The zooms here goes deeper, though, with the
- total magnification from P04 to P15 of over 1 billion.
- The Sine Julia Set shown here resembles first a series of lightning bolts
- separated by yellow fingery clouds, then progresses into surrealistic
- images resembling odd pointed leaves. Perhaps these are the leaves which
- fall from the tree shapes seen in the Wolf Mandelbrot Set! Or maybe they
- aren't leaves at all, but spiky crystals of some oddly colored frozen ice
- on a wintry window pane.
- Daniel Wolf
- 6/8/94